Important Terms and Conditions for Outdoor Advertising Companies

People all across the globe are trying their hands at outdoor adverts so as to gain a strong foothold in the market and also to gain recognition. However, it is not all the companies that can place their ads on public platform. Additionally, the ones that are given the authority to do so are also morally and legally responsible to follow certain rules. Here we are with the standard conditions that you need to keep in mind. The Important Terms and Conditions for Outdoor Advertising Companies are as follows.


The ad that you plan to place as a billboard for the audience to see must be clean and tidy as is assured by the celebrity in this industry Sumit Gupta. Not only are we talking in terms d aesthetics but also in terms of content and morals. There must not be any graphics that is immorally placed with the only purpose of luring the public not keeping in mind their safety that might be ruptured owing to them getting distracted. This is due to the fact that most of the billboard is laced at places that are close to roads to lure the traffic. The Outdoor advertising in Delhi which is the most crowded city suffering traffic congestion ought to be very careful in particular.


Be it the placement of the advert or removing or say discontinuing it, there is a criterion that you need to follow. You need to seek permission from the local planning authority in both the cases, be it placement or discontinuing.


Do not place your billboard in a way that can cause interference in any respect. You must not obscure or say hinder the interpretation of the official road, the rail, the waterway or the aircraft signs. Also, in no case should you endanger the use of any of these modes of transportation.

All in all, these are the Important Terms and Conditions for Outdoor Advertising Companies. Keeping these in mind will help you to get the desired outcome.

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